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What should the university teach you? What do you want to learn? What do you need to know now to survive? What do you need to know for the future? 

Ano led conversations about the university, as guests created a one-page zine to share what they thought the university should teach them.  Herbert’s Hippopotamus, a documentary about youth activism in the 1960s and 70s, and Dante Escrofani performed new audio works filling in the gaps.

Following the workshop zines will be exhibited in the ARTifact Gallery

All SYLLABUSES is generously supported by the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, the James Irvine Foundation, UC San Diego Frontiers in Innovation Scholarship Fund, UC San Diego Sixth College Culture Art and Technology, and UC San Diego Visual Arts department; and the guideance and support of Cris Scorza, Ricardo Dominguez, Grant Kester, and Ash Eliza-Smith.

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